941. The legacy of Israel
پدیدآورنده : essays by Sir George Adam Smith, Edwyn Bevan, F. C. Burkitt... [et al.]; Planned by the late I. Abrahams and edited by Edwyn R. Bevan & Charles Singer; With an introduction by the Master of Baliol
کتابخانه: كتابخانه دانشكده حقوق و علوم سیاسی دانشگاه تهران (تهران)
موضوع : Jews-- Cvilization,Jews-- Hist
رده :

942. The letters of George Santayana. Book 2, 1910-1920
پدیدآورنده : edited and with an introduction by William G. Holzberger.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Philosophers -- United States -- Correspondence.,Philosophers.,PHILOSOPHY -- History & Surveys -- Modern.

943. <The> literature of pre-Islamic Iran :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Ronald E. Emmerick & Maria Macuch ; gene
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

944. The 100 most influential musicians of all time
پدیدآورنده : edited by Gini Gorlinski.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY -- Composers & Musicians.,MUSIC -- Individual Composer & Musician.,Musicians -- Biography.

945. The 100 most influential musicians of all time /
پدیدآورنده : edited by Gini Gorlinski.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Musicians, Biography.,Musicians, Encyclopedias.,Musicians, Biography.,Musicians.
رده :

946. The natural history of the human species
پدیدآورنده : Charles Hamilton Smith; with a preliminary abstract by S. Kneeland; Editor's note by Robert Bernasconi
کتابخانه: كتابخانه وزارت امور خارجه (تهران)
موضوع : Man, Origin,Races,Monogenesis and palygeris

947. The naturalness of belief :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Paul Copan and Charles Taliaferro.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Belief and doubt.,Faith.,Naturalism-- Religious aspects.,Naturalism.,Theism.,Belief and doubt.,Faith.,Naturalism-- Religious aspects.,Naturalism.,Theism.
رده :

948. The new encyclopedia of Southern culture.
پدیدآورنده : M. Thomas Inge, volume editor
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : American literature-- Southern States, Encyclopedias,Southern States, In literature, Encyclopedias,Southern States, Intellectual life, Encyclopedias, 0, 0
رده :

949. The pitcher is broken :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Steven W. Holloway and Lowell K. Handy.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Ahlström, Gösta W., (Gösta Werner),1918-,Ahlström, Gösta W., (Gösta Werner),1918-History of ancient Palestine from the palaeolithic period to Alexander's conquest.,Bible., Old Testament.-- History of Biblical events.,Bible., A.T.-- Antiquités.,Bible., A.T.-- Critique, interprétation, etc.,Bible., A.T.-- Histoire des événements bibliques.,Bible., A.T.-- Antiquités.,Bible., A.T.-- Critique, interprétation, etc.,Bible., A.T.-- Histoire des événements bibliques.,Jews-- History-- To 70 A.D.,Âge du fer-- Palestine.,Fouilles (Archéologie)-- Palestine.,Âge du fer-- Palestine.,Fouilles archéologiques-- Palestine.,Jews.,Oude Testament.,Palestine, History, To 70 A.D.,Palestine, Antiquités.,Palestine, Antiquités., 4, 6, 7
رده :

950. <The> politics of religion :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Jeffre
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

951. The pornography of poverty : a cautionary fundraising tale / Bette Plewes and Rieky Stuart -- An imperfect process : funding human rights--a case study / Mona Younis -- Transformational development as the key to housing rights / Steven Weir -- Human rights INGOs, the north-south gap : the challenge of normative and empirical learning / Bonny Ibhawoh -- Dilemmas facing INGOs in coalition-occupied Iraq / Lyal Sunga -- Human rights in action : supporting human rights work in authoritarian countries / Birgit Lindsnaes, Hans-Otto Sano, and Hatla Thelle -- Driving without a map : implementing legal projects in China aimed at improving human rights / Sophia Woodman -- Normative compliance and hard bargaining : China's strategies and tactics in response to international human rights criticism / Sun Zhe -- Defending economic, social and cultural rights : practical issues faced by an international human rights organization / Kenneth Roth -- Thinking through social and economic rights / Neera Chandhoke -- Amne,BL
پدیدآورنده : edited by Daniel A. Bell, Jean-Marc Coicaud. ,20090527
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

952. The psychology of facial expression /
پدیدآورنده : edited by James A. Russell, José Miguel Fernández-Dols.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Body language.,Facial expression.,Kinesics.,Langage du corps.,Physionomie.,Aufsatzsammlung,Ausdruckspsychologie,Body language.,Communication non verbale.,Comportement humain.,Expression du visage-- Aspect psychologique.,Facial expression.,Gefühl,Gelaatsuitdrukkingen.,Linguagem corporal.,Mimik,Nichtverbale Kommunikation,Non-verbale communicatie.,Psychologie,PSYCHOLOGY-- Cognitive Psychology.,SCIENCE-- Cognitive Science.
رده :

953. The roots of reading comprehension instruction / P. David Pearson -- The development of children's reading comprehension / Scott G. Paris and Ellen E. Hamilton -- In search of the "simple view" of reading comprehension / James V. Hoffman -- Identifying and describing constructively responsive comprehension strategies in new and traditional forms of reading / Peter Afflerbach and Byeong-Young Cho -- Helping readers make sense of print : research that supports a whole language pedagogy / Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman -- The role of cognitive flexibility in reading comprehension : past, present, and future / Kelly B. Cartwright -- Ways of meaning making : sociocultural perspectives on reading comprehension / James Gavelek and Patrick Bresnahan -- Transactional theory and critical theory in reading comprehension / James S. Damico, Gerald Campano, and Jerome C. Harste -- Grounding reading comprehension in the neuroscience literatures / George G. Hruby -- Text comprehension : a retrospective, perspective, and prospective / Emily Fox and Patricia A. Alexander -- Disciplinary comprehension / Cynthia Shanahan -- The agency and artistry of meaning makers within and across digital spaces / Robert J. Tierney -- Comprehension and computer technology : past results, current knowledge, and future promises / Michael L. Kamil and Helen Kim Chou -- Motivation and reading comprehension / Samuel D. Miller and Beverly S. Faircloth -- Vocabulary and reading comprehension : the nexus of meaning / James F. Baumann -- Cognitive strategy instruction / Janice A. Dole, Jeffery D. Nokes, and Dina Drits -- Metacognitive processes and reading comprehension / Linda Baker and Lisa Carter Beall -- Self-regulated comprehension / Dixie D. Massey -- Formal and informal measures of reading comprehension / Lauren Leslie and Joanne Caldwell -- Assessing comprehension of young children / Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl -- Approaches to teaching reading comprehension / Taffy E. Raphael ... [et al.] -- Comprehension and discussion of text / Janice F. Almasi and Keli Garas-York -- Comprehension instruction in kindergarten through grade three / Cathy Collins Block and Jan Lacina -- Developing higher order comprehension in the middle grades / Ruth Wharton-McDonald and Shannon Swiger -- Improving adolescent comprehension : developing comprehension strategies in the content areas / Mark W. Conley -- Comprehension difficulties among struggling readers / Richard L. Allington and Ann McGill-Franzen -- Reading comprehension and diversity in historical perspective : literacy, power, and native Hawaiians / Kathryn H. Au and Julie Kaomea -- Culturally relevant pedagogy and reading comprehension / Colleen M. Fairbanks ... [et al.] -- Reading comprehension and English language learners / Kathryn Prater -- Family literacy and reading comprehension / Patricia A. Edwards and Jennifer D. Turner -- Improving comprehension instruction through quality professional development / Misty Sailors -- Public policy and the future of reading comprehension research / Cathy Roller -- Where to from here? : themes, trends, and questions / Gerald G. Duffy ... [et al.]. 0
پدیدآورنده : edited by Susan E. Israel, Gerald G. Duffy.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

954. The shoulder and the overhead athlete /
پدیدآورنده : editors, Sumant G. Krishnan, Richard J. Hawkins, Russell F. Warren
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Shoulder joint-- Wounds and injuries,Shoulder joint-- Wounds and injuries-- Surgery,Shoulder-- Wounds and injuries,Shoulder-- Wounds and injuries-- Surgery,Sports injuries,Sports injuries-- Surgery,Athletic Injuries-- prevention & control,Athletic Injuries-- rehabilitation,Shoulder-- injuries,Shoulder Joint-- injuries,Shoulder Joint-- surgery,Shoulder-- surgery
رده :

955. The traditional problem of evil: suffering and evil actions -- Another problem of evil: divine hiddenness -- Miracles as a problem of evil -- The ignorance defense -- Identifying, interpreting, and certifying revelation -- Should God's power be understood as omnipotence? -- A process Christian theism and the problems of evil. 0
پدیدآورنده : James A. Keller.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

956. The ubiquity of ethics in international relations -- International ethics : thick or thin? -- Taking the ethical turn -- Social practices, actors and ethics -- Power, politics and ethics -- The primacy of ethics -- Understanding international relations in ethical terms -- War in Iraq understood in ethical terms : the Baker Hamilton report and other interpretations -- Global ethical practices -- The anarchical society of sovereign states -- The anarchical society of civilians : global civil society -- Ethical incoherence : individual rights versus states' rights -- Rights and sovereignty : reframing the tension -- The ethical underpinning of double anarchy -- Ethical transformation in a double anarchy -- Migrants in world politics -- Assessing humanitarian intervention -- Assessing globalization -- Understanding torture in international relations -- Global terrorism understood in ethical terms -- The threat of self destruction in civil society -- The threat of self destruction in the society of sovereign states -- Defending anarchies. ,Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
پدیدآورنده : Mervyn Frost. ,Steven Morewood.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
موضوع :

957. The ultimate audition book :
پدیدآورنده : edited by Jocelyn A. Beard.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Acting-- Auditions.,Drama.,Monologues.,Acting-- Auditions.,Drama.,Monologues.
رده :

958. The vampire book :
پدیدآورنده : J. Gordon Melton
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Vampires, Encyclopedias
رده :

959. The whole digital library handbook /
پدیدآورنده : edited by Diane Kresh for the Council on Library and Information Resources.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع : Digital libraries, Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Digital libraries.,LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Library & Information Science-- General.
رده :

960. The whole digital library handbook
پدیدآورنده : edited by Diane Kresh for the Council on Library and Information Resources
کتابخانه: كتابخانه و مركز اسناد دانشگاه كردستان (کردستان)
موضوع : Handbooks, manuals, etc ، Digital libraries
رده :